Sunday, May 8, 2016



 Portrait of Antonia Carvova, 1799

Simon Bolivar, 1950
The Doubt, 1907-1908

1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?

The gallery that I selected had a very limited number of self portraits, but I just felt like these portraits were unique and had an inner-meaning. Not only were they physically appealing, there was a message behind them.
2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?
I used my friends' graphic pencil. I'm really terrible at painting, charcoal, and just about everything else. I felt like I could put out the best product this way.
3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?

Well, I'm really terrible at art, so it was a challenge in general. It probably took me 6 or 7 sketches to get this – and it's still not that good. 
4. How does this piece represent you?

This piece represents me by showing my love for beer and baseball tees. I'm pretty simple, this piece describes me as just that, simple.
5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?
I used value a lot in this piece.
6. Did you enjoy working on this project?

It was a little stressful. I just wish I was better at drawing, but I'm just not. 
7. What do you think of your final artwork?
I think it's pretty rough, but I'm actually impressed with myself. It's the best artwork I've ever done.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


I thought this project was fun. I had to do a similar project in another class, but this allowed me to really search long and hard for great sports artwork and organize it into an exhibition. I liked this project!

Mod 13

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Lowbro- I've never even heard of this until watching the video, for what I gathered, it seems to be a concept made for people who don't take art seriously.

2. Do the videos relate to the creation of your Art Exhibition project? If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.
Not really, my project didn't really require much deep thought. I think the theme was pretty self explanatory.
3. What is your opinion of the films? Do they add depth to understanding of the art concepts you practiced while creating your curation project?

The films developed a farther depth of understanding about curation. A lot of it I've never learned before.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mod 12


1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I selected these because I had a brief understanding of both concepts before watching the videos. Not only do I have an understanding, I'm also interested in both topics.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Andy- I think silk screening was the most important concept I learned.
Photography- I thought it was interesting to learn about how people used to give him a hard time for doing photography. It was also interesting to learn about Polaroid cameras.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The readings and videos related directly, but I like how the videos talked extensively about famous artists (Warhol and Hockney).
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

They were really helped me understand the topics and taught me a lot of things I didn't know.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Gallery visit #2

/ Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon.
  var triangleCoords = [
      {lat: 25.774, lng: -80.190},
      {lat: 18.466, lng: -66.118},
      {lat: 32.321, lng: -64.757}

  // Construct the polygon.
  var bermudaTriangle = new google.maps.Polygon({
    paths: triangleCoords,
/ Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon.
  var triangleCoords = [
      {lat: 25.774, lng: -80.190},
      {lat: 18.466, lng: -66.118},


  // Add a listener for the click event.
  bermudaTriangle.addListener('click', showArrays);
    strokeColor: '#FF0000',
    strokeOpacity: 0.8,
/ Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon.
  var triangleCoords = [
      {lat: 25.774, lng: -80.190},
      {lat: 18.466, lng: -66.118},
      {lat: 32.321, lng: -64.757}
    fillOpacity: 0.35

  // Add a listener for the click event.
  bermudaTriangle.addListener('click', showArrays);
    strokeWeight: 3,
    fillColor: '#FF0000',
    fillOpacity: 0.35

Mod 11 Videos



1. Explain why you selected each of the TWO videos you choose from the selection listed above.

I've heard of expressionism before, so that's something that has always interested me. The second video I've never heard of so I thought I'd give it a shot and see if it's something I was interested in.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Dada- I didn't know much about surrealism before watching this video, but from what I took away from the video is that surrealism is the creative nature of the unconscious mind, basically using one's imagination to create art.

Expressionism- In this video, I learned the importance of color. Color is the one thing that sticks out to people. When they walk into a gallery, it's usually color that catch's one's attention.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos have similar information, but the videos gave many more visuals that helped me truly understand the concepts. 

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

These videos certainly weren't my favorite. They seemed a little old, however it was nice to have lots of visuals to enhance the concepts taught.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Mod 10 Mask making


1. After doing my research, I wanted to make a sports mask!

After my research, I did some sketches.

And then the finished product....

I thought this assignment was really fun. Of course I'm a huge Bills fan, so that's where the inspiration came from. It was a great time.